Gorgeous garnet, a crystal that was a favourite of my mum's when I was a child. I always remember a cross necklace she wore that was embedded with garnet crystals, and even then, long before I consciously knew anything about crystals it seemed to be fitting for her - a fiery, strong-willed woman who would protect her family at all costs.
Garnet has this amazing, beautiful energy that instantly makes you feel invigorated and yet calm at the same time. It has that ability to balance all of the chakras, and it does this by encouraging a free-flow of energy throughout the subtle energy system. It works brilliantly with other crystals, and it's why I was thrilled to have it come in stock at Woo HQ as a combination crystal with arfvedsonite recently. Working with a crystal that is ultimately a 'wipe the slate clean' gem, like arfvedsonite, in tandem with garnet, that will not allow you to rest on your laurels, giving you a kick up the backside to keep moving forward, is like heaven for me. But I digress....
If we look at the some of the more traditional healing benefits of garnet, we're going to hear a lot about relationships, love, passion, and so on. You can read all about how garnet works for love, relationships, and motivation in the Crystalpedia, here. It is most certainly a crystal I love to use for love.
However, I also find it to be one of the most powerful grounding crystals I've ever worked with, especially when used in meditation. It has a very strong resonance with the root chakra, the energy centre that deals with our stability in the world and feelings of being present, as well as the heart chakra, where emotional stability is nurtured. Encouraging flow between these two chakras through meditation gives us confidence to move forward in our lives, even through the most challenging of times. When we're present in the moment we alleviate fear, and when we feel emotional stable we feel confident. This is the definition of being grounded.
When we feel grounded, we have a sense of purpose and recognise our self-worth, reducing the likelihood that we will 'settle' for experiences or circumstances that will simply make us unhappy. Knowing how to ground yourself means that whenever life does happen to throw you a curve ball, or put you in a situation that tests your view of yourself and what you deserve, you'll have the skills to put aside panic, anxiety, and fear, and create a place within that allows you to remain calm and make decisions that are in your best interests.
If you are struggling with feeling out of control in your life, sit with a piece of garnet in the morning preferably, so as to prepare you for the day ahead with all of its surprises. You don't need to say or think anything specific, meditation doesn't have to be complicated. Hold the crystal and place it first over your root chakra and take in a long slow breath, exhaling all of the fear and worry about your day.
Then holding it over your heart and breathing in long and slow, feelings of calm and confidence and breathing out nervousness and anxiety. And that is it, it really is as simple as that. Just a few breaths with garnet as your support crystal, can help you face the day.
If you feel you want to create an affirmation to go with your breathwork, then do so. This is how we expand on meditation to suit us and our needs.
A suggestion might be, "My energy is grounded, centred, focused in the now. I am safe here and I am ready to meet the day."
Enjoy the energies of garnet!
Add garnet to your crystal collection today.
#garnet #crystalhealing #groundingcrystal #crystalmeditation #meditation
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